Great news as of April 2024 - Xinix won a big public procurement (upphandling) that will ensure business and a deeper cooperation for the coming 2-4 years. The value of the procurement is set to an annual fixed amount of SEK. Xinix will 2024-2028 deliver products both within Sweden and for missions in the world - helping people with safe water.
MSB - Myndigheten för samhällsskydd & beredskap
Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency
Xinix Global AB has a deep and well-established cooperation with MSB, since 2009. Xinix has supplied MSB with both water and surface disinfection products. MSB has used these products for their missions around the world, both for their own employees working on projects abroad as well as for the people on site.
To better understand what MSB does, here is a short summary
With over 30 years of experience of carrying out international humanitarian missions, MSB is a well-known partner to the UN - United Nations and the EU.
The Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency (MSB) is responsible nationally for helping Swedish society prepare for major accidents, crises and the consequences of war. Their work is led by a Director General appointed by the Swedish Government. MSB has approximately 1200 employees in Sweden and on missions.
MSB's international operations has more than 30 years of experiences operating in affected areas such as: crises, conflicts and disasters. The first operation was a search and rescue operation in Armenia 1988. Since then, the business has been developed to include various types of missions: humanitarian interventions, resilience-building operations and civilian crisis management.
Within the framework of Swedish aid policy, MSB's task is keeping preparedness for rescue and disaster response, humanitarian management, strengthening disaster preparedness, early reconstruction and civilian crisis management.
For more info about MSB: msb.se/en