Aid organizations

XINIX has collaborated with aid organizations such as the Red Cross, Star of Hope (Haiti 2010), MSB, Doctors Without Borders (Guinea 2014) regarding Ebola, UN agencies, etc. for many years.

Examples of outbreaks of Salmonella and other virus and bacteria problems that we solved over the years, Östersund with 28,000 infected. Skellefteå also had a big eruption.

SVA, MSB, SAS, Rolls-Royce, the SAAB group, Sodexo, the Red Cross and the UN are examples of international companies that have chosen our products in competition with other suppliers.

Also the fact that we were able to deliver during the pandemic to e.g. a the police have given us great confidence in our seriousness and our products.

This has resulted in us having a very good reputation as a reliable partner who is always available 24/7.

When remediation

We have carried out several clean-ups when serious problems have arisen around the world, including for Nestlé in Switzerland with milk substitutes for children.

In Sweden, we have cleaned up, among other things, the Gustavsiksbadet. In case of salmonella outbreaks in the Nordic region, our products are widely used; we have cleaned the ferries Stena Line, Viking Line.


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