MSB's yellow brochure "If the crisis or war comes”, which has been sent out to all households in Sweden, is a valuable guide to strengthening your home preparedness. We at Xinix are proud to have had a framework agreement with MSB since April this year, where our products are used globally in the field – both for their staff and local populations.

We would like to advise you about how our products can complement the advice in the brochure by providing access to safe water and safe surfaces in all situations, here at home in Sweden.

Our products with reference to MSB's brochure:

Page 15 "Home emergency preparedness" and page 19 "Evacuation":
Used FreeBact ® Water Tank (available in different sizes) to secure large amounts of water for a long time. 2-component system with 8-year durability.

When evacuating, rely on FreeBact ® Water Drink, Mini, and Extreme for safe water, and FreeBact ® Surface OnTheGo to disinfect surfaces.
2 year shelf life in unopened bottle.

Page 27 "Contagions":
Xinix FreeBact®, i.e. all our products, eliminates ALL viruses and bacteria, ensuring safe conditions throughout the crisis.

Page 29 "You who have pets":

Our solutions also make your pets' water safe to drink, and our spray for surfaces is also available: FreeBact® Veterinary & Animal.

    With Xinix FreeBact® you are prepared with a safe solution for both water and surfaces, which helps protect both people and animals.

    Read more about these products:

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